What is Qigong? ‘Qigong’ can be translated as ‘Energy Work’ or ‘Energy cultivation or refinement’, and is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years in the Far East by millions of people to cultivate health, vitality, well-being, and longevity. Through this ancient body/mind practice, we learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen our immune system, and improve our overall health. We begin with the basics, and through simple coordinated movements with breath, self-massage, sound, and meditation, you will learn natural ways to feel energized yet calm, and learn how to strengthen your body’s own self-healing abilities.
Our practice generally starts by activating energy and opening the energetic pathways in our bodies through gentle movements, stretching, and breath. We are then more able to clear out stagnant energies before bringing in fresh energy and circulating it through our body with flowing movements. Once we’ve activated the energy this way, we can do some self-massage and acupressure for more targeted healing, as well as use other beneficial practices such as breathwork and meditation to more strongly activate our own self-healing medicine. You will leave feeling calm yet energized, and regular practice will strengthen your health, feel less stress and anxiety, sleep better, and have a stronger immune system.
CONTACT INFO: Please contact Iris for signup or any questions at 310-210-7894, or email iristurney@protonmail.com.
EXCHANGE: $15 per class, or a class 6-pack for $75
WHAT TO BRING: Wear comfortable loose clothing for easy movement, a yoga mat and water. We can practice either barefoot, with socks, or bring comfortable clean indoor shoes.
Private instruction is also available.