This is a wonderful way to gather with our community to meet and share resources, services, health information, and healing.
Free Classes/ Events All Day 9 am to 4 pm
Outdoor Booths from noon to 3 pm
Vegetari will be offering nourishing plant-based prepared food options from 11 am-3 pm
Here is a schedule and list of booths that will be there:
9 to 9:45 am: Restorative Flow Yoga w/ Heather, https://rebelutionyoga.com/
9 to 9:45 am: Morning Dream Sharing Circle w/ Lauren Morgan https://www.laurelcrownhealing.com/, Description: Let’s start the day off aligned with soul and purpose, by sharing our dreams with one another . Bring a dream from the previous night’s dreaming, or any dream that wants to come. Lauren will guide us in a community dream sharing practice while she weaves in expanded, Earth-centered teachings on how to coax open, orient to, and weave the messages from our dreams into our lives.
9:45 to 10:30 am: Moving To Heal – Connecting Through Movement
Pauline will guide participants in energy medicine, movement meditation and simple consent-based contact exercises to help us find a place of center within ourselves, each other and community. The class may be done alone or prepare participants for the Ecstatic Dance to follow. w/ Pauline Osborne MN, RN- Healing Guide & Health Educator, www.movingtoheal.net
10 to 10:45 am: Soul Fusion w/ Val, bio @ https://www.juliabuggy.com/instructors/, (206)779-2011, turboval@gmail.com
10 to 11:45 am: Healing with Reiki & Past Lives (Parallel Lives) talk and demonstration w/ Josslyn Streett, www.rainshadowreiki.com
10:30 am to noon: Ecstatic Dance w/ DJ 88, For more info please visit: https://movingtoheal.net/ecstaticdance/
11 to 11:45 am: Qi Gong w/ Iris, bio @ https://www.juliabuggy.com/instructors/
Noon- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
12:15 to 1 pm: Rhythm Meditation Class w/ Zorina of Whole Person Drumming, www.Villageheartbeat.com
12:15 to 1 pm: Lighten and Enlighten: Be Your Best Self in This World Talk w/ Dr. Lara and Sandy
12:15 to 1:15 pm: Wellness Yoga w/ Heather, https://rebelutionyoga.com/
1:15 to 2 pm: Embodied Flow w/ Ivy. A movement class with restorative props, alignment awareness, and deep connection with your body. LMT Healing and Bodywork, ivyphillipsbodyworkandhealing.com, ivyelizabethphillips@gmail.com, (360)460-1491
1:15 to 2 pm: Melodies of the Heart Circle w/ Niobe Weaver, https://niobeweaver.com/ Niobe will sing your heart soul song and share a reading of how you make a difference in your world by being who you are!
1:30 to 2:15 pm: Pilates w/ Val, bio @ https://www.juliabuggy.com/instructors/, (206)779-2011, turboval@gmail.com
2:30 to 3:15 pm Your Body, Your Power: Practical Tools to Energize and Manifest w/ Iliana, www.ilianarojero.com, (415)425-1749, lilos@ilianarojerowilson.com
2:30 to 4 pm: Shanti Salish Kirtan Band presents live, call and response mantra chanting. No experience necessary, hinitavar@gmail.com
2:15 to 3 pm: Qi Gong w/ Jason, https://jtacupuncture.com/
3:30 to 4:45 pm: Transformational Breathwork Offering w/ Charlie, Empowering.breath@gmail.com
Booths: noon- 3 pm
Raffle Tickets at the Blue Mountain Yoga+ booth, Great Prizes!!! grab a current schedule and flyers, free stickers, T-shirts for sale and presale clothing orders
Complimentary tea is provided by Goodness Tea (and BMY+), check out the story of this locally women-owned eco-conscious company here: https://www.goodnesstea.com/
Meet the Doc! Dr. Lara Plecher a Naturopath from Natural Health Clinic Sequim, Dr.LaraNHC@gmail.com, (360)809-0021
Francesca Siena with Artemisia Healing Arts will be offering Reiki, Tibetan Cranial, Reflexology, and Sound Healing, (253)961-3181, Francesca@artemisiahealingarts.com
Join Mary Campbell for short Pranic Healing sessions! (360)670-9824, ThePranaMomma@gmail.com
Carrie Adams, LMT of BMY+ & Wellness Collective will give 20 mini tarot card readings and neck and back acupressure massage sessions. 15 min $20 each, (530)966-7245, Mysticangelhealer@gmail.com, www.mysticanghealer.me
Kate Danta of Sequim Yoga and Massage will be offering free 15-minute chair massage for the head, neck, shoulders and back. www.sequimyogaandmassage.com, kate@sequimyogaandmassage.com, (858) 437-2102
Sandy Dempsey, CLC, is a Transformative Life Purpose Coach, Brennan Healing Science Practitioner & Energy Healer, and author of Take Back Your Dreams: Prioritize Your Purpose, Regain Control of Your Time, and Create the Life You Want Before It’s Too Late. She will be handing out free copies at her booth! www.7PathwaysHealingArts.com, work: (509) 470-1889 Cell: (609) 790-3650
SeaTsu Sauna, Mobile Sauna Rental Service + Forest Sauna & Bathing Sanctuary in Blyn. Wood-fired sauna, cold-plunge, plant whisks and seltzer water with herbal extracts. www.seatsusauna.com
Debbie Dixon will be here with Love is the Truth her nonprofit promoting a local Yoga Festival Campout at Lake Leeland, WA Aug 29- Sep 1, shirts, books and discounted passes to the festival, www.loveisthetruth.org, www.littyogafestival.com, https://debbiedixon.net
Crystal Readings $20 for 20 min w/ Crystal Synger, With knowledge and training; as well as her own technique of “Crystal Communication,’ along with her natural intuition; she receives guidance through crystals from your Angels, Spirit Guides, and even your Higher Self. Crystal Synger is an experienced, gifted Psychic who has dedicated her life to helping others; who are willing to heal and find their path. Some of her skills and training; Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Crystal Reader, Spiritualist, Spiritual Journey Coach, Healer and Healing Facilitator, Teacher, LMT, Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher* and Certified in Crystal Healing.” CrystalSynger@outlook.com, (360)461-8070
Sequim Healing Clinic will be offering 30-minute healing sessions with multiple practitioners for a suggested donation of $30, sequimhealingclinic@gmail.com
Frequency balancing with Bioresonance, Emotion Therapy, Portable PEMF, and Frequency Infused Pure Essential Oils w/ Kelly of Balance and Harmony, frequencybalancing@gmail.com
Dr. Gabriella Cunha, ND of Wellspring Family Medicine in Port Angeles, free 10-min consults to hear about your health goals and learn what naturopathic medicine can do for you. Pillars of Health Handout: Food & Fluids, Movement, Sleep, Stress Management, Connection, Physical Medicine Handout: manual therapies for pain relief, wellspringnaturopathicdoctors.com, (360)504-2245, drjdoolittle@msn.com
YMCA, www.olympicpeninsulaymca.org, Sequim (360)477-4381, Port Angeles (360)452-9244
TherapeuticArtsCenter.com, Massage Therapy & Wellness, free chair massages
Mística – Clairvoyance tool and psychic sessions w/ Iliana, www.ilianarojero.com, (415)425-1749, lilos@ilianarojerowilson.com
Intuitive Indigenous Healing w/ Eugena (Makah Tribe) Offering personal/ group healings and Land/ Home Clearings. https://www.intuitiveindigenoushealing.com/, (360)640-0144, intuitiveindigenoushealing@gmail.com
Etanni Center, 578 N 5th Ave. Sequim, www.etannicenters.com, providing information on the benefits of scalar fields/energy, bringing awareness to the technology called the Energy Enhancement System (EES) and how it affects our cells to promote health innately within the body.
Crystals with Kirtana Devi, Energy Healing & Wellness for Your Unfolding—Profound remote sessions to transform stress, trauma and chronic illness. KirtanaDevi.com, (206)414-8604
Cathlene Michaels and Matthew Noonan of Inner Healing Journey Group will be signing copies of a book they are featured in: “Awakened Leaders, Empowering stories of self-healing, triumph, and transformation.” Visit their booth to discuss living a more Conscious Life with new tools and Strategies for growth, (360)912-4312, cmlotus@sbcglobal.net
Northwest Fitness & Wellness Center in Sequim offers a unique training model that accommodates people who have pain or restrictions, allowing them to regain strength and mobility in a safe and supportive environment. Our programs also include upper-level classes for those who have no limitations. Weekly classes are small and taught by experienced trainers who are also therapists, allowing us to be vigilant in coaching members to exercise within their limits. Be sure to stop by our booth to meet us, find out more about what we offer, and to enter a drawing to win a free one-month membership! (360)640-2663, nwfawc.com
Gina Diamond, M.Ed. Master Health Coach, Author: Survival Strategies for parents with picky eaters, http://www.consciouslivingstrategies.com, https://www.teslabiohealing.com, “I help women and the people they influence Love Being in Their Bodies.”
Jeff Knittle from Sacred Portal – “Your introduction to Metaphysics, New Age and Spirituality”. Jeff will be on hand to introduce and explain how and when to learn all of the basics of these realms for beginners, through classes, groups, coaching and ceremonies! jeffdknittle@gmail.com, https://sacred-portal.com/
New Dungeness Barnhouse- Launching their Stewards Insiders Club for locals. organic rhubarb shrub samples & mock cocktails from Katie’s newly published book. sign up for free memberships. share about this venue for retreats and personal gatherings of all types. Clare Monnin, Owner, dungenessbarnhouse@olympus.net, (360)670-9122, 42 Marine Drive, Sequim, WA 98382, http://dungenessbarnhouse.com
Kristin Halberg is a trauma-informed holistic practitioner offering her unique blend of “Practical-Magick” to women experiencing anxiety and overwhelm due to an identity-shaking change: divorce, an empty nest, a crisis of faith … or other sudden changes to who you know yourself to be. Grab her Soul Care checklist, a 25% off coupon, & schedule your free 45-minute strategy call –where she’ll help you feel secure in who you know yourself to be again, & get calm, confident, & clear on your next steps towards a future you can relax in. www.practical-magick.com, kristin@practical-magick.com, (425)343-2374